Tank Girl 2

Tank Girl 2

Product Description

Shes back! The crazed counter-culture heroine returns in another completely hatstand series of anarchic adventures, with a new introduction by Alan Martin, and previously unseen material from artist Jamie Hewlett!

Join Tank Girl as she escapes from the asylum, goes back to comics school with Hewlett and Martin, meets Sheriff Harry Poussini, enjoys a Summer Love Sensation, and goes on the road with Jack and Neal in Blue Helmet! Plus, detective adventures with Booga in Askey & Hunch, Hewlett and Martins Guide to Joy, and much more - including a priceless chance to join Boogas Treehouse Club! Who could ask for more? Who would?
Rate Points :4.0
Binding :Paperback
Label :Titan Books
Manufacturer :Titan Books
ProductGroup :Book
Studio :Titan Books
Publisher :Titan Books
EAN :9781840234923
Price :$16.95USD
Lowest Price :$8.94USD
Customer Reviewsa great read
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
tank girl 2 was a really good graphic novel. i love every book in the series. the illustrations are very entertaining. all in all, a great read. i highly suggest it, that is if your into the hewlett-martin world.

Tank Girl
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
Tank Girl does not make sense, she can out run Mr. Whippy. She Does not like you. Tank girl is mean. The drawings by the hewl only bare SLIGHT resemblance with the gorillaz drawings he did. They have nothing in common. If you think you do, you deserve to have your copy of tank girl 2 and all others you may have stolen.
I dont know man...
Rating Point :2 Helpful Point :0
Im not one of the original fans of this series, but I liked the first book.
This second one is not near as good.
Nowhere near as good as Vol 1.
Rating Point :1 Helpful Point :0
Whilst Vol 1 made a limited degree of sense, and was great fun, Vol 2 seems to see our authors ingesting many more drugs than strictly necessary to maintain a semblance of plot or indeed reality.

The stories feel very rushed and sloppily executed, as if they were writing/drawing to a deadline, and most of the manic intensity in Vol 1 is dissipated into a directionless and not remotely funny mush.

Get Vol 1, but skip this one.
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
If you love art and you love comics and you love random, then this is the comic for you.

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